'SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/PatrickLyonsYouTube FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/PatrickLyonsInsta Follow me on Instagram @patricklyons - I\'ve made a post there every day for over 500 days, and I make Instagram stories every day, too! Go check them out before they expire :) Watch my video \"opening up\" about Connor and his 40 day fast (filmed as a response to the reactions to this video of me visiting Connor in Austin): https://youtu.be/u0DrJx6KzbQ Watch my video breaking down all of the science behind Connor’s 40 Day Fast: https://youtu.be/vm9emjJdmVg Watch my original video addressing this whole situation: https://youtu.be/XwEp5gQa_uc I visited Connor Murphy on January 1, 2021 in Austin, TX and talked with him about the content he\'s been creating, his workouts, and more. I strongly disagree with Connor about pretty much everything he\'s been sharing recently, and it genuinely scares me the content he\'s putting out into the world. As a Christian it is very difficult for me to see a friend saying the things he\'s been saying / doing the things he\'s been doing. Because of this, after Connor\'s and my workout, I had an hour and a half debate on the subject. You can see this full debate on Connor\'s channel.'
Tags: update , fitness , Workout , Weight loss , Food , chest , science , transformation , video , Christian , quarantine , friend , Why , mental health , dead , God , bible , Water , religious , religion , heaven , austin , Texas , spirituality , Jesus Christ , explained , debate , Christianity , mental health awareness , fasting , okay , catholic , debating , enlightenment , greg doucette , Connor Murphy , alive , push day , is it real , water fasting , mental hospital , Connor , 40 day fast , patrick lyons , 40 days , day 40 , is he okay , was it all an act
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